Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Jewell Golden MSW Therapeutic " Transactional Analysis " Blogger Page

Welcome to Jewell Elizabeth Golden MSW
" Transactional Analysis " Blogger Page.


Transactional analysis (TA to its adherents),
 is a psychology idea that humans are social creatures
and that a person is a multi-faceted being that changes
when in contact with another person in their world.
Transactional analysis integrates the theories
of psychology and psychotherapy because it
 has elements of psychoanalytic, humanist and
 cognitive ideas. TA was first developed in the
 late 1950s by Canadian-born US psychiatrist Eric Berne.

According to the International Transactional Analysis Association,
TA 'is a theory of personality and a systematic
 psychotherapy for personal growth and personal change'.

Eric Berne's ability to express the ideas of TA
 in common language and his popularisation of
 the concepts in mass-market books inspired
 a boom of popular TA texts.

Thomas Harris's successful popular work from the late 1960s,
 I'm OK, You're OK is largely based on Transactional Analysis.
 A fundamental divergence, however, between Harris and Berne is
that Berne postulates that everyone starts life in the "I'm OK" position,
 whereas Harris believes that life starts out "I'm not OK, you're OK".

New Age author James Redfield has acknowledged
Harris and Berne as important influences in his
best-seller The Celestine Prophecy (1993). The protagonists
in the novel survive by striving (and succeeding) in
escaping from "control dramas" that resemble the games of TA.


Many of the core TA models and
concepts can be categorised into
Structural analysis - analysis of the individual psyche
Transactional analysis proper - analysis of
interpersonal transactions based on structural
analysis of the individuals involved in the transaction
Game analysis - repeating sequences of
 transactions that lead to a predetermined
 outcome subconsciously agreed to by the
 parties involved in the game
Script analysis - a lifeplan that may involve
 long-term involvement in particular games
 in order to reach the life pay-off of the individual.
Not only mentally but in other aspects also.

( So here is some background information for all
interested in Jewell Elizabeth Golden MSW )

Jewell Elizabeth Golden, MSW

Clinical Social Work Supervisor
Board Certified Diplomate
1002 Brice Road
Rockville, MD 20852-1201

Jewell Elizabeth Golden, ACSW, LCSW-C, LICSW, BCD
 continues, since l981, to offer the most comprehensive
study materials at the lowest price available. Her live
workshop was presented at the NASW Annual Conference
in Baltimore and has been given annually at NASW-MD
and NASW-Metro DC. Her live workshops have been held
 at Catholic U, Howard U, Galludette, Johns Hopkins,
the U of MD, in Chicago and in St. Croix. The materials and
 live workshops are geared toward the exams of CA, NY, VA
 and the ASWB.

Social Workers -

 Are trained to give individual, family, couple and
 group therapy services. Social workers work within
numerous areas of the medical field. You can find them in
 private practices and in hospitals, as well as government
 agencies and private establishments.

This Specialty Falls in this Following Category:

Behavioral Health and Social Service Providers -

Include a group of health care professionals that

 offer support for addictive, learned and

sometimes inherited behaviors. These issues

are inclusive of drug abuse, older adult services,

 HIV prevention and education, alcoholism,

 transitions back into society after treatment,

mental health and numerous other social and

 behavioral health issues.



Certified Transactional Analyst,

 I have been involved
with TA since 1974.
I have been a member of USATAA since its founding.


I am involved with Catholic Charities,
Asbury Methodist Retirement Village, and Ephesians Life Ministries.
My services are covered by most insurance companies and by
 many of the Employee Assistance Companies (EAP).

 I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Private Practice.
 I offer Psychotherapy for Individual Adults and Couples.
 I co-lead a co-ed treatment and support group.

I have offices in Rockville, Gaithersburg, and Wheaton, MD.
I also offer Workshops, Seminars, Home Study Materials and CDs
to prepare social workers for their licensing exams.

Jewell Elizabeth Golden, LCSW-C
 1002 Brice Road
 Rockville, MD 20852
 Phone: 301-762-9090
 Fax: 301-762-6198
Catholic Charities - Jewell Elizabeth Golden, LCSW-C
 12247 Georgia Avenue
 Silver Spring, MD 20902
 Phone: 301-762-9090
 Fax: 301-762-6198
Montgomery Medical at Asbury Methodist Village -
 Jewell Elizabeth Golden, LCSW-C
 201 Russell Avenue
 Gaithersburg, MD 20877
 Phone: 301-762-9090
 Fax: 301-762-6198
I am a Maryland Approved Clinical Social Work Supervisor.
Jewell Elizabeth Golden, ACSW, LCSW-C, LICSW, BCD

I am also an author of...

Title : Social Work Licensing Examination Review
Author : Jewell Elizabeth Golden
Publisher : J.E. Golden, 2004
Length : 179 pages



The Catholic University of America

Master of Social Work (MSW), Mental Health

University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana

M.A., Spanish and Romance Languages

Activities and Societies: Faculty, Department of Romance Languages.



Licensed Clinical Social Worker
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Private Practice. I offer Psychotherapy for Individual Adults and Couples. I co-lead a co-ed treatment and support group. I have offices in Rockville, Gaithersburg, and Wheaton, MD.

My specialty is in supervising social workers. With a more than 97% success rate! I am considered one of the nation's foremost licensing experts and master teachers since 1981. I have prepared a review book for the Social Work Exam, reviewing more than 1000 practice questions, 228 value packed pages include comprehensive practice exams and content materials. Audio workshop CDs available with the materials.

I also offer Workshops, Seminars, Home Study Materials and CDs to prepare social workers for their licensing exams.

I am a Maryland Approved Clinical Social Work Supervisor.
Jewell Elizabeth Golden, ACSW, LCSW-C, LICSW, BCD

Specialties: Long-term marriages, anxiety/depression, the elderly and their families, addictions, couples, and women in transition.
I have a specialty practice in Long-term Marriages. I am in one myself, for 59 years. We haven't killed each other yet! I also work with young couples. I deal with Families of the Elderly and have a Geriatric practice at Asbury Methodist Village on Mondays in Gaithersburg. I work with parents on Parenting Skills, having been an MCPS teacher for over 10 years. For deep self-awareness, I often use Imagery and Music. I have been certified as a Clinical Member of the International Transactional Analysis Association since 1974. 'I'm OK-You're OK' theory. I am at the Cardinal McKerreck Center, Georgia Avenue, Wheaton/Silver Spring on Tuesdays. The rest of the week, afternoons and evenings, I am at my office in Rockville, near Wooton Parkway and Rockville Pike.

For Relaxation and Stress Management, I use Emotional Freedom Techniques, as the Tapping Therapy, and Mindfulness.
I do Faith Based work based on the concept that each individual has the right, responsibility and capacity to make their own decisions and to take charge of their own life. I co-lead a small support group in Rockville on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm-9:00pm with H.D.Johns,D.Div., who is the Teaching Member of Transactional Analysis in this area.

General Information
Gender: F
Licenses: DC, MD
Years in Practice: 33
Adjustable Fees: Yes
General Information
Gender: F
Licenses: DC, MD
Years in Practice: 33
Adjustable Fees: Yes
Insurance Accepted
Adventist Health Care
CareFirst/BCBS BlueChoice/HMO
Community Health Partners/Infor Med
Managed Health Network
Optimum Choice
United Health Care/
United Behavioral Health
Value Options

Population Served
Young Adults
Clinical Supervision
Treatment Orientations
Brief Short-Term Therapy
Mindfulness, Meditation, Imagery, Relaxation
Interpersonal Therapy
Relationship Enhancement
Issues Treated
Couples, Marital, Relationship Issues
Addiction & Recovery - Substance Abuse
or Other Addictions
Grief and End of Life
( Is also part of the NASW - NATIONAL

( Foundation Contribution & Endowment )

The NASW Foundation works to enhance the well-being
of individuals, families, and communities through the
 advancement of social work practice. The Foundation
  extends its thanks to the NASW members who kindly
 provide financial support. Special thanks to the following
 individuals for their generous contributions to the
Memorial & Tribute General Fund and other
Foundation programs honoring both the living and deceased. 

 Donors to the National Social Work Public Education Campaign
are listed on the Public Education Campaign Web site.
Founded in 2001, the Foundation's goals are to:  
identify, develop and respond to social work policy and
 practice issues. Assist with rapid response to social crises.            
support practice-based research, so that practice and research
        are directly linked. Raise the visibility of social work and enhance
 public esteem for the profession. Support the development of 
cutting edge continuing education that addresses critical issues. 
Promote the appropriate application of new technology
 and theories to the practice of social work.